Here are my ideas about the article I just read about the DDS, or Diagnotstic Drawing Series by Fowler, J.P., and Ardon. It's calleid Diagnostic Drawing Series and Dissociative Disorders: A Dutch Study.
The DDS is one of the most widely researched diagnostic instruments available to Art Therapists.
is not based on an interpretation of the content of
drawings but on an empirical correlation between
graphic characteristics and psychopathology." Fowler, J.P. & Arlen, 2002)
That's an important thing to know for those who do not know much about art therapy.
This study was done in several dutch mental health clinincs, using patients diagnosed with DED or DDNPS, or others described as having dissassociative symptoms.
Administering the DDS on admittance to the
clinic, we observed that patients with DID or DDNOS
were producing drawings with a very similar graphic
profile to the profile described in American studies
Mills & Cohen, 1993
) and different to the profiles
of patients with other disorders. The allocation of patients
to a graphic profile is based on which graphic
characteristics are found in the individual drawings
in a series and on differences between the three
drawings in a series. This is a clinical decision based
on research findings, training, and individual rater’s
experience ." (Fowler, J.P. & Arlen, 2002)
Three major research questions were brought about because of the reliability and validity were found to be rather unsure.
Also used in this study was the SCID-D during an interview portion of the study.
The DDS requires that patients produce three drawings out of standardized materials. A rating guide and drawing analysis forms are used to rate the drawings. Note that
Rating the different items is only the first phase in
deciding in which graphic profile an individual DDS
should be placed. A fairly complex decision process is
then used to eliminate membership of various known
graphic profiles by comparing both the ratings of the
individual drawings, and the differences between the
three drawings in a series, with what is expected from
the graphic profile. (Fowler, J.P. &Arlen 2002)
The results were than on average there is an agreement of 82.7% among 3 raters across 23 DAF items.
The agreement between the Multiple Correspondence
Analysis categorization and the clinical
diagnosis was actually better than the agreement obtained
by the two least experienced raters" (Fowler, J.P. & Arlen, 2002)
Inter-rater reliability here is found to be insufficient, as things are seen differently by different people. Also some rate intuitively, which does not work as well in an empiracal study.
This was a very interesting article in pointing outhe discrepencies betw een raters. It is nice to know that there is a correspondence between art therapy and the DDS in helping to find a diagnosis for a dissociative disorder.
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