Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 3, 2010

So this article (and class) was a very interesting one! For it we read the Betts (2006); Computer Analysis and retire "Projective" article. This class was a lot of fun because it really caused a lot of debate when we talked about the article. The article was about the use of computers in art therapy. Is this good, or is this bad? My opinion was that it was good, as it can take away rater bias when rating assessments, however it can not take over the role of the therapist. This is a very interesting thought. If computers did take the place of raters for assessments, how would that work? I foresee several problems with this already such as how will the computers be able yo distinguish different colors? Would that not have to be decided by a human to tell the computer? Well then you run into the problem of color. Colors are different things to different people, especially cross-culturally. Where as someone from one culture may see a color as green, someone from another may see it as blue. So, how would the computer account for this?

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